NEWPORT County AFC fans can vote for club legend Keith Oakes to win the Football League's greatest captain award by using the following link

Prostate cancer kills one man every hour - that's a strike rate of 10,000 deaths every year. So this season, as the Official Charity Partner of the Football League, is asking supporters to put aside their differences and become Men United in the fight against prostate cancer.

To lead Men United, and to kick off the 2013-14 Football League season, the website is looking for an inspirational figurehead.

To that end, bloggers, journalists and fans with allegiances to each of the 72 Football League clubs have nominated their team's greatest captain.

Over the next week, fans can vote for theirfavourite. The first round of voting closes on Tuesday, August 20.

The top five captains will then enter a play-off. Each will receive the backing of one of the country's leading football writers, who'll tell the nation why they should vote for their choice of skipper.

The best way to get your favourite captain into the final is to get your fellow fans to vote for him. So share this page and spread the word!

The second round of voting closes on Friday, August 30, before the official Men United captain is announced on Monday, September 2.