KNITTED rainbows have been appearing across Caerleon to bring smiles to passers-by during the coronavirus outbreak.

Anyone off on an isolated walk around Caerleon will have seen rainbows decorating the village.

This is the work of Caerleon based crotchet and knitting group Prosecco and Purls, who were also busy during Christmas time creating festive scenes made entirely of wool which were placed on top of postboxes.

Group member, Barbara Parsons said: “With what is going on, we’re trying to bring a ray of hope to the village”.

She also hinted that there might be more to come.

South Wales Argus: South Wales Argus:

Knitted and crocheted rainbows have been appearing over Caerleon


Children across Gwent, who are currently being home-schooled, have also been painting rainbows and posting them in their windows - a trend that has been seen across the world.

You can follow the group at @proseccopurls on Facebook.