WALES could have its own 'freedom day' this weekend, with the Welsh Government expected to announce an extensive easing of coronavirus restrictions from Saturday.

Wales is expected to move to Alert Level Zero, which has been described to be as close to normal as possible for the foreseeable future, on August 7.

Wales has been at Alert Level One for the past few weeks.

Alert Level One has meant that up to six people to meet indoors in private homes and holiday accommodation, indoor events can host 1,000 people who are seated and 200 people who are standing and groups of up to 30 can visit children’s residential activity centres.

The changes are expected to be announced on Friday, August 6, following a decision being made on Thursday.

It has already been confirmed that people who are fully vaccinated will not have to isolate if they come into contact with someone who tests positive for coronavirus from August 7.

However, people who do test positive will continue to have to isolate for 10 days.

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If the country does move to Alert Level Zero, the biggest change will be that there will be no limit on the amount of people who can meet indoors and businesses such as nightclubs can reopen.

There will be no obligation to wear a face covering in hospitality settings, though people will still be required to wear a mask unless exempt in most indoor public spaces.

No legal limits on social distancing will have to be observed, though businesses will need to provide a risk assessment and can implement social distancing as a safety measure

People will still be advised to work from home if possible.

The list of what the rules are expected to be from August 7

  • No limit on the number of people who can meet indoors.
  • All businesses and premises can reopen.
  • Face coverings are not required in pubs, bars and restaurants, but will still need to be worn in other public places.
  • No legal obligation to observe social distancing either inside or outside.
  • Double-vaccinated people will not need to isolate if they come into contact with a positive case.
  • Anybody under the age of 18 will not need to isolate if they were in close contact with a positive case.
  • Everybody who tests positive will still need to self-isolate for 10 days.
  • People are still advised to work from home.