FOLLOWING the article in the Argus on April 6 about the Chancellor’s driver parking in a disabled bay at Magor services and also Cllr Jim Higginson’s letter on Monday, April 15, I feel that I must say a big thank-you to Cllr Higginson for sticking up for disabled people.

I have spina bifida and am confined to a wheelchair, I live in Caldicot and travel to and from Newport to work.

I have to get to work at least an hour before I am due in to make sure that I have a parking space, which I can assure anyone some mornings is not as easy as you think.

I don’t really blame the Chancellor’s driver for parking in the bay; he won’t be the first and definitely won’t be the last to do it.

What I do object to, though, is David Davies, MP, actually admitting to parking in disabled bays and finding nothing wrong with it for two minutes and saying that if a disabled person came along wanting the bay they would wait for it.

I would like to say that if all the disabled bays were full I for one would not wait for one to become empty, I could be waiting for ages.

Life is hard enough for disabled people as it is without seeing comments like that.

Sharon Hughes, Nightingale Close, Caldicot