I FIND it risible that PCC Ian Johnston should use as an excuse that chief constable Carmel Napier was deeply hostile to the concept of the office of the PCC.

Obviously the penny hasn’t dropped with the PCC or didn’t he look at the voting statistics of how he came to be elected.

The majority of the electorate were hostile to the appointment of a PCC; a PCC wasn’t wanted, needed and considered an unwarranted expense.

As for management style the current incumbent of the PCC should look to his own efforts, such as the dubious appointment of a deputy, the manner of his handling of the removal of Carmel Napier.

As for losing the confidence of the public of Gwent it would be interesting to know where his information came from for such a sweeping statement whereas it is a fact shown by the electorate the office of the PCC never enjoyed the confidence of the electorate either before the poll or after it.

Geoffrey Robinson Allt-yr-Yn View Newport