ANYONE having taken the trouble to read my past letters will know very well that I am by no means an anti royalist.

However, I do not agree that the royals and that very much includes Her Majesty the Queen, should have these pay rises in the present financial climate, but should do what the rest of us are having to do and cut down on their expenditure. If this results in their having fewer public engagements so be it.
Being frugal by choice is all very well, but for many of us it’s by necessity and it would be very nice indeed to have a choice. During the war the royal family had the option to evacuate the Palace when it was being bombed, but chose to stay and share the danger  and were much admired for doing so.
Evidently George Osborne and David Cameron don’t seem to realise this, but then they are recognised as,  and often called, the rich boys, aren’t they. Time to grow up boys?
Walt Jackson
Llantrisant Usk