THE recent spell of hot weather has served to emphasise the dreadful state of Newport city centre.

I’m not talking about litter –  that’s another issue – but the pavements. The slabs and flags are absolutely filthy. What must visitors think of us here, of our level of cleanliness and lack of civic pride?  I appreciate that in these straitened financial times there may have had to be cuts made by the council in certain services that we have always taken for granted. I have a suggestion to make.
Frequently I read in the Argus of miscreants being sentenced by the court to “community service”. Can someone explain to me what exactly is “community service” and how does this scheme operate?
Isn’t it possible to use it to provide labour to keep our streets and pavements clean? That would indeed be a service to the community!
Pam Cocchiara
Oaklands Park Drive Rhiwderin