I ORGANISE return visits back to the Egyptian Canal Zone where I also served in the 1950s along with thou - sands of other personnel.

I know that many service people who live in your circulation area were stationed there during the trouble times of the 1950s.

Many of our service personnel died and are buried in the cemeteries that we visit: Ismailia – Fayid – Moascar – Tel-el-kebir.

I will take photos of any friends or loved ones’ graves if any of your readers would like me to (complimentary).

Also if any of your readers would like to join us on our next group I still have a few places left and will send full details to any of your readers who may be interested in joining our group visit.

We will be visiting Cairo and staying at a hotel in Ismailia overlooking Lake Timsa and visiting other places in the Canal Zone.

I am limited to 30 places on this reunion visit due to the fact it is still a Military Restricted area.

Call 07814 832441 or email alfavison@talktalk.net

Alf Avison Spalding Lincolnshire