IT LOOKS as if we are about to embark on another Blair/Bush type disaster – this time in Eastern Europe.

Mr Cameron, a public school-educated PM, seems to have dodged history tuition, forgetting the lessons of the 1939-45 conflict where Russia destroyed what was arguably the most formidable military machine the world has ever seen.

The EU and Nato, by supporting the pro-Europe separatists in Ukraine who petrol bombed a legitimate government out of office, appear to be starting an adventure the world will regret, with Britain welcoming home soldiers in coffins while jihadists are by David Cameron’s own admission posing a severe threat to the nation.

The current scandal in the north of the country regarding the sexual abuse of children by ethic minorities, exposing only the tip of the social disaster that is multi-cultural Britain – where the government at national and local level including the police are being cowed by race legislation and political correctness – should in my view be of more importance for the nation than the PM exercising his ego on the world stage at the expense of our military.

D Jones Newbridge