MIKE PEART, I have no problem with people setting up their own business, just with them exploiting people through wage labour. Workers provide labour power which includes expertise in their specific fields i.e. engineering, gardening, etc and also finance.

The finance (capital) provided by the capitalist is more often than not the very surplus value expropriated from employing workers! Workers create the wealth also. They share the risk because if the company fails, they become unemployed! People also work harder when they have a shared interest in the business and aid the decision making.

The co-operative (anarcho-syndicalist) model is in keeping with our species nature. We would not have evolved without co-operation! This model also gets rid of alienation. Does Mike Peart think we should just enjoy being mere appurtenances of production lines etc, being bossed around?

Terry Banfield, Crescent, Cwmbran