HAVING done some work to remove a window and replace it with a full height door, I was left with about a ton of rubble.

I rang Torfaen council to enquire about taking this rubble to the disposal site. I was informed, as I mentioned taking it in my little trailer, that I would need a permit.

I was told I could only get one at the civic centre – a ten-mile round trip to get a bit of paper.

I explained I would be making one trip using my trailer and was informed I would be charged a fee. I tried pointing out that if I went without a fee being charged, it would take me at least five or six trips – about 100 miles – against a one-off trip with the trailer of around 16 miles.

In light of all the statements from the government, various agencies, Friends of the Earth and other environmental groups requesting we keep vehicle use to the absolute minimum , it seems odd that TCBC deems it essential to make a charge when only a one-off trip is proposed. I was under the impression that management had some degree of flexibility. No wonder our mountain sides and lanes are covered with detritus.

John Morgan, Pembroke Terrace, Varteg