I WAS approached by someone who mentioned Maesglas Island; where is it? Well, Maesglas Island was at the end of Maesglas Avenue where it joined Maesglas Road. It was demolished in the 70s along with the Gospel Hall and two houses when the estate was revamped. Where the Gospel Hall was, there is now a block of houses which faces the green where the two houses stood.

There were a number of police call boxes. They were like bollards with a box on top that had a door. As soon as you opened the door you were connected to the emergency services and you could talk without any handset. These were often misused, hence their demise. Maesglas had no bus service for many years and no shops, but had the workmen’s club. The roads were safe with very little car parking and the streets were a bit eerie at night, but this added to the excitement of being out at night as a child as I remember.

G Davies, Cardiff Road, Newport