NOW the celebrations are over and the champagne bottles put in the bin, bankers will now be looking forward to bigger bonuses, employers rubbing their hands in nailing wage/salary increases to the floor, and the newly elected government fleecing the poor, disabled and disadvantaged.
Cameron’s band of brigands are back in power, so look out.
If you're lucky and in full/part time or zero hour employment, prepare yourself for cuts, cuts and more cuts.
On the other hand, if you are one of the idle rich with a million pound pad in Mayfair with so much cash it is a constant headache where to stash it, or make more of it, then you have nothing to fear.
This incumbent government will ensure that if you invest in the UK, Cameron, the cardboard cut out, will ensure the transactions you make will be protected via numerous adventurous tweaks to the financial market.
For the rich it’s win, win, for the poor? Well, I guess we’ll be seeing more places where they give away free food.

Ken Holder,