TREDEGAR Park is a great local community and leisure asset used by thousands of Newport citizens every week, especially during the summer evenings.
It has a measured mile for walkers, runners and cyclists as well as a fitness exercise station.
Summer sports such as cricket, tennis and skateboarding are catered for and there are hordes of dog walkers enjoying the wide open space and picturesque banks of the River Ebbw.
A modern children’s playground and picnic areas provide for children and family alike.
So, when some yobs assault the park ranger, do we react by increasing the presence of police and Community Safety Officers, by strengthening patrols with the provision of bicycles?
No, we say, ‘OK you win’, and shut the gates at 6pm to cars.
Does that deny them access? Of course not; they just have the park to themselves at the expense of the rest of us.
Whatever happened to the Gwent Police policy of ‘Protecting and Reassuring?’

Steve Delahaye,
Bassaleg Road,