TODAY I received a flyer inviting me to enter the Postcode Lottery.
Although I do not enter lotteries, the good causes listed were interesting.
Some were global, some British, many English and fifteen for Scotland.
On closer inspection, I spotted one cause exclusively for Wales; The National Museum of Wales.
I had to turn the page at an angle to read it because it seemed to be have been added as an afterthought.
As much as I love their Ambassador, Fiona Phillips, I cannot but feel that we should concentrate all our efforts on home grown projects.
This trend of turning away from Wales is not helped by political bodies treating us as some sort of inconvenience.
Just today a political person, whose name I missed but I think is Conservative, stated that the ‘Barnett Formula’ is unfair to Wales. Never!
Our politicians have been saying this for years.

Len Price,
Manor Park,