CLLR Anthony Hunt’s claim that the Taxpayer’s Borough Council highlighting of certain employees of Torfaen Borough Council who earn over £100,000 per year is a “crass attack on public services” is puzzling considering he himself (along with the majority of Labour councillors) voted through more than £50 million worth of cuts to public services!
Indeed, so adept have “our socialist-led” council has become at embracing and passing on Tory Government cuts, perhaps he does not understand (him being wrapped in the comfort zone of “earning” over the average animal UK salary of £24,596) that those in the borough struggling on poverty wages and paying full council tax as public services are gutted or actually stopped, find it rather obscene that certain employees of the council and councillors do not share in the pain or hardship of the neo-liberalist, ideologically driven, Tory “austerity” programme!
As the Tax Payer’s Alliance is “a right-wing organisation, funded by conservative business people and staffed with free-market ideologues” (Owen Jones – The Establishment), it’s so important that Torfaen and other Welsh councils stop giving them such easy targets!

Terry Banfield
Member: Anarchist Federation