LIKE all failing regimens held to ransom by dogma the Tories have lost touch with reality. In 2010 Osborne pledged to eliminate the deficit by 2015, well here we are at the end of 2015 and deficit stands at £70 billion. Debt was falling faster under the last Labour government, with wages growing at 2 per cent. 
Osborne argues that the global credit crunch was due to debt. Back in 2008 household debt was 129 per cent of  income, today it stands at a staggering 197 per cent, with government borrowing growing to a record £1.7 billion, a figure so huge it is now reaching levels last experienced after WW2. 
Osborne likes to repeat his mantra that debt is bad yet the so called recovery is not built on exports, but growing household and government debt little wonder that the Bank of England is terrified of increasing interest rates. In the Orwellian world of Osborne, war is peace, hate is love and debt is good. 

Cllr Nigel Dix 
Montclaire Avenue