CLLR Bob Poole takes “a dim view” of litter bugs and “it costs a lot of money to clean up” South Wales Argus 20 Nov I’m sure we all agree. 
As a workforce much in the public eye maybe he could advise us. 
What is the council’s instructions to wardens on how they distinguish between an accidental or deliberate dropping of litter?
Do they have and use the discretion to request the “offenders” to pick up dropped litter?
Are the wardens trained to recognise disabled “offenders”.
Are wardens trained to show compassion and understanding to senior citizens who, while not being disabled, fingers are no longer as nimble as once were. 
Or is the council happier counting the pennies and ignoring the discrimination by its staff of disabled and older rate payers.
If the council wants to fill its coffers, look at illegal car parking.

Peter Walters