WITH the EU referendum debate now in full swing the fatal cracks within the Tory Party are laid bare for all to see, with Tory MPs and ministers attacking each other on the dangers of staying or leaving. 
The latest attack by the leave camp tells us that Chancellor Osborne has got it wrong on the dangers of leaving, arguing that treasury forecast are pure speculation, and Osborne cannot be trusted. 
Just a quick look at Osborne’s record confirms that he has failed to meet any of the targets he has set for himself. 
Let’s be clear Cameron did not call a referendum for the benefit of the British people, but as a cynical ploy designed to try and heal his fractured party, fearing that without a referendum the Tories will disintegrate into factions, yet the very referendum intended to heal his party is having the opposite effect. 

Nigel Dix 
Montclaire Avenue 