THE right-wing Blairite coup against Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party has been fermenting the majority of the Labour Party. Grassroots’ members voted for a socialist who was against cuts to public services, welfare benefits, against the privatisation of the NHS and for the eradication of the ideologically driven Tory government’s austerity programme. This has enriched the top wealthy 0.01 per cent of society to the detriment of the bottom 80 per cent of society. Jeremy Corbyn is also in favour of providing social housing, well paid jobs and wants an ecologically friendly sustainable economy. I wonder why Labour MPs like Torfaen’s Nice Thomas Symonds have decided to stab Jeremy Corbyn in the back? 
The only conclusion is that they are not socialist but are in favour of the ongoing neo-liberalist capitalist project which has served well whilst sticking the boot into the majority of working class people. The parliamentary Labour party are out of touch with their members.

Terry Banfield
Cardigan Crescent