JEREMY Corbyn’s speech to this year’s annual Labour Party Conference will be analysed, debated, and written about for a while to come. 
Mr Corbyn’s speech will be criticised by centrist Labour MP’s, Labour’s political rivals, and some sections of the media as far-fetched and some kind of socialist utopia. 
That is their right as we live in a political democracy. 
But in all fairness it was a measured, well-presented speech.
Corbyn’s conference speech outlined what a Labour government and socialism can do to change our society for the better. 
It was tailored for conference delegates, but more importantly tailored for the wider British electorate. 
Corbyn’s speech was honest enough to admit that Labour has a mountain to climb in order to gain power. 
It also contained the themes of the politics of hope above the politics of despair, and for unity within the party so the party can win the next general election. 
All of which leads to Labour’s PLP.
If it were not for the party these people would not be Labour MPs. 
If some members of Labour’s PLP are disciplined enough in their pursuit of power, and loyal to the party then a Corbyn-led Labour government would not be beyond the realms of possibility. 
This country is in need of change, and only a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour government and socialism can deliver this change.

Wayne Thomas
Monmouth Walk