MALCOLM Richards, Newport, I don’t trust the Tories.

During the referendum most of the current Tory cabinet promised to fund £350 million for the NHS, with even Nigel Farage saying it was a mistake. They promised British jobs for British workers.

Now Sajid Javid signalled a move to build more homes with cheap foreign labour which will be a major blow to Britain’s brickies. They put fear into the minds of the voters by threatening Turkey joining the EU.

Now leading Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson has pledged to help Turkey join the EU in “any way possible”. He even demanded David Cameron should veto Turkey’s accession. Fellow leaver Farage said: “What on earth is he playing at?”

The Tories’ Brexit deal will pander to the 33% who voted for them, the Tory membership and their donors. In the words of Tory grandee Ken Clarke, “Theresa May’s government has no policies and nobody there has the first idea of what they’re going to do next on the Brexit front”.

Andrew Nutt Heolddu Road Bargoed