IN RESPONSE to the Welsh Government’s announcement on the future of Communities First, I must stress Torfaen places great importance on the Communities First programme and are working to secure future support for our most disadvantaged communities.
Communities First has existed for 15 years and has made a positive impact though successful, targeted, area-based interventions to support communities and improve lives. 
I witness the impact made locally every day in those key areas of employment, health and learning, and the difference it has made to many residents’ lives.
I wholeheartedly support the cabinet secretary’s desire to improve economic development and regeneration, and our anti-poverty initiatives are already playing their part in developing skills, offsetting government austerity and a swingeing benefit reform programme.
I particularly welcome the cabinet secretary’s commitment to engage with partners, learn lessons and, in particular, to recognise the dedication, skills and knowledge of Communities First staff to ensure their experience informs and supports a new approach.
I’d like to reassure our communities that we are meeting with Welsh Government officials to highlight the hard work and good practice locally and to seek clarity on the review timetable. 
We will do everything possible to maintain the delivery of key services, support staff and ensure Torfaen is well placed to take advantage of the opportunities from the type of flexibility and new approaches the minister is suggesting. 
So, while the name may change, our commitment to providing support for vulnerable people most certainly will not.

Cllr Gwyneira Clark
Torfaen council’s 
executive member 
for housing