IT HAS recently come to light that the case involving the Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executive and the Head of Legal Services, at Caerphilly County Borough Council, has cost the community charge payers of this borough £2.5 million. It seems that this matter has been poorly handled, and only little by little are facts coming to light concerning this case.
Although it can be argued that the public cannot be fully informed all of the time, it also has to be accepted that councillors and officers of the borough are ultimately accountable to the public and therefore a full and public disclosure should be rendered given the amount of money involved. 
Lessons need to be learned from this matter and the public need to assured that they will be, at present we have had no authoritative statement on this issue other than a judge dismissing the case. We need to know what happened and why, and when will this problem end.

The Venerable John Blackburn
Gelli Avenue