ARGUS - “Your AM Writes” column - South Wales East Conservative AM Mohammed Asghar praises a Pill Pharmacist for using a robot to select and dispense medicines. 

Mr Asghar thinks that it is great that new technology can be used more widely by the health service.

Mr Asghar appears to have not considered that a member of staff at the pharmacy may have been dispensed with in order that a robot can do their job. This should never be encouraged.

We all know how frustrating it is when for example we ring a service provider and we get an automated message telling us to press this button then another button and possibly a few more buttons before we get to speak to a human being. When a computer crashes at work everything comes to a halt.

When we had nothing but pen and paper, and a human being on the end of a phone line, things were much faster and less frustrating.

A later Argus report stated that in the Senedd last week, Mr Asghar said that “Newport is peddling backwards in all aspects of life.” Confused? Perhaps Mr Asghar should be dispensed with and a robot replace him!

Lindsey Hayes
Beaufort Road