REPLY to Mrs Briggs letter of last week re: the Welsh language. 
Could I politely point out to Mrs Briggs who appears very frustrated about recent welsh language legislation that she does actually live in Wales (not England) and that such legislation emanates from a democratically elected assembly.

She very obviously hankers after a past where there was no compulsory Welsh education, no forms in Welsh and where no government money was ever waste - not even on the compulsory teaching of a dead language (Latin).

However, I must reliably inform her that events have since moved on. 
Plaintive cries that Welsh is being forced upon people no longer command a receptive audience and such claims are rightly seen as hollow and outdated. 

The outlook for Welsh is now very encouraging. The Welsh Government has just announced a new 5 year strategy for it with the aim of creating one million speakers by 2050. 

This plan also involves the Language Commissioner vigorously persuading the private (as well as public) sector to promote more use of Welsh.
We are now living in a confident and vibrant Wales where our young people, especially are much more proud of their identity than were previous generations. To them, Welsh is not an inferior language to English but is a language to be embraced and cherished.

D Sheppard
Parc Seymour