I SEE that AM Alun Davies has an article in the Argus 20/9/17 about “promoting” the Welsh language. Rather than use “encourage” as he has in earlier articles or “promote” as he is using in the above article why can’t he be ‘upfront’ and use the words “force you” with regard to using the Welsh language.

In the article he has the audacity to say, I quote, “Rooted in consensus and democratic strength.”

Where is the consensus when most of the population do not want it. Also he should treat the meaning of democracy with more respect.

Forcing industry to adopt the language means that industry has to create jobs (business expenditure.)

The fact that the decision increases business expenditure without any increased income benefit is ignored by the assembly.

Short-sighted biased attitudes have caught-up with them and our economic future is being weakened to save their faces.

Why can’t they be honest with us?

John Pimley
New Inn