RE: THE missing link.

The missing rail link between Ebbw Vale and Newport is already open – trains run somewhat irregularly from Ebbw Vale to Newport and vice-versa. 

The rail line and the signalling works – what’s lacking is a regularly timetabled service - this is a problem that requires a political solution not an infrastructure solution.

We can start to fix this problem, with a very public all-party commitment to ensure that a regular timetabled service to and from Ebbw Vale to Newport is part of the new all Wales rail franchise.

The Ebbw Vale line reopened in 2008, carrying a years worth of anticipated passengers in the first 4 months. 

The new service failed to connect to Newport from day one - despite the implied promises and suggestions made that it would when the railway line was reopened.

The Labour in Wales Welsh Labour government have run out of old tired excuses and tired soft weasel words to hide their failure. #
It’s irrelevant as to whether this was a short-sighted ill thought out or a deliberate conscious decision not to connect the service to Newport.

Commuters living in the Ebbw Valley are unable to travel directly to Newport and are denied the opportunity of catching connecting trains to Bristol, London, Cheltenham and beyond. 

The end result remains the same in that commuters have no choice but to drive and join the congestion on the overcrowded M4.

Jonathan T Clark 
Allt-yr-yn Heights