AFTER reading your article in the Argus on March 8 in relation to the possibility of a new supermarket moving to Blackwood, may I take this opportunity through your letters page to inform the residents of Blackwood that the new planning application for the Blackwood Gate Retail Park was unanimously supported by all the Blackwood town councillors who attended the Blackwood Town Council meeting on March 5.

The new planning Ref No.12/0064/NCC reads as follows: Vary Condition 6 of outline planning permission reference P/00/1022 (as amended by Condition 3 of permission reference P/05/1697 and Condition 2 of permission reference 11/0861/FULL) to allow open A1 food retail and bulky goods retail at Blackwood Gate Retail Park and provide minor amendments to car parking.

As a local resident and town councillor, I personally hope that this new planning application is passed by Caerphilly County Borough Council as this will hopefully bring some much-needed employment to the area and hopefully encourage more businesses to the Blackwood Gate Retail Park.

Councillor Andrew Farina- Childs,
Blackwood Town Council Twynyffald Road,