THE QUESTION of the morality of abortion has recently been highlighted in the media, with reports about doctors who were willing to sign abortion papers for women who wanted abortions because the baby was a girl. Are these isolated cases, or is this becoming the norm?

Most abortions are performed in Wales and England on social grounds, not medical grounds. So why is it so terrible to allow selection abortion on grounds of gender? In China, owing to their one child forced abortion policy this is rampant, usually at the expense of female unborn babies.

There needs to be a lot more honesty where abortion is concerned within the teaching medical profession, because it is now clear that any medical student who has religious, or ethical reasons for non involvement in abortions can forget about obstetrics and gynaecology.

Thank God for doctors who uphold the right to life of every human being from conception to natural death, as many doctors still do.

Paul Botto, Splott Road, Cardiff