YES, the Westgate and the Kings Head hotels should be saved.

However, the question arises, for what?

Newport has an appalling record with regard to preserving its historic buildings. Some examples are the demolition of the iconic Lyceum Theatre (Bridge Street, to be replaced by a cinema, which looks like an up-market abattoir, and has now morphed into a hotel).

There was Newport Town Hall – demolished to make way for the grotesque Chartist Tower office block.

Newport’s Central Hall, which used to be opposite St Paul’s Church, Commercial Street – the late, great Sir Thomas Beecham regarded this hall as having concert hall acoustic second to none (and he should know).

Newport Castle – despite the vandalism of Owain Glyndwr, still had great beauty (captured by the great artist, Turner).

About ten years ago, preservation orders were placed on the Malthouse (on the former Black Clawson site – now close to the new City Bridge), and the Baltic Oil building on the opposite side of the road. The perversity is that these buildings should have been demolished fifty years ago – they are eyesores and reflect badly on the image of the city.

Brian Hayes, Clearwell Court, Bassaleg