MOHAMMAD Asghar, AM for South East Wales, states in the South Wales Argus on April 23, 2012, that he is encouraged by the Director for Sport Wales, Dr Huw Jones’ recognition of the need to make sport more accessible to women and ethnic minorities.

Except to those who exclude themselves, sport is accessible to all. I am a female of mixed race, who lives in what is called a ‘deprived area’ in Newport, yet I have never felt excluded from any sport, even some traditionally male dominated sports.

Mr Asghar should concern himself more with the reason certain females and ethnic minorities feel excluded, and encourage those that feel this way to integrate rather than put themselves into a self imposed exclusion. This would then ensure that the full amount of funding would reach the whole community.

In Pillgwenlly, we have an excellent sport development officer and community volunteers who include and encourage anyone and everyone, no matter their gender, or ethnicity. Hopefully this should be the case throughout Wales.

Pam Glover, Adeline Street, Newport