Due to the prearranged meeting that my wife and I needed to attend in Newport City Centre, we decided that we would go home via bus.

As we waited for the bus, I was as usual being nosy and watching some of the riff-raff that the station seems to attract.

My attention was diverted to an elderly gentleman who was eating a packet of crisps. Nothing strange there you might think. Well, he then decided to rip the remains onto the floor in a deliberate attempt to attract the pigeons, which he did not do once but twice. The area was besieged by pigeons but not one bus company official approached him to protest.

Young children were in the vicinity with these flying rats everywhere and people are quick enough to come down heavily on smokers, unfairly in my opinion, and this coming from an avid non smoker. Priorities please.

MJ Webber, Harlequin Court, Newport