I READ with great uneasiness, the letters in which the ‘faithful’ are wringing their hands with glee, when they hear that there are ‘scientists’ that are lobbying together against evolution.

‘Some’ scientists attack the overwhelming ‘good’ evidence, because they find it difficult to square with their religious or their intelligent design beliefs.

Human beings (yes, that includes scientists) are an evolving species, we still enjoy a superstitious and spiritual world view. We still to cling to the comforting (and childish) idea of ‘God’.

This is wishful thinking linked in part to an innate fear of death.

No ‘good’ evolutionary scientist disputes the theory of evolution. Here we see a contradiction of personal interests.

They will use the ‘theory’ part to suggest that it is contested in biological science, they point out that it is still being built as a record, and that it should be thrown out.

That might be what happens when you criticise the ancient accounts of ‘Yahweh’ but this is NOT how the scientific method works.

But worse still when the ‘creation’ myth is allowed to spread to impressionable and inquisitive young minds, it takes on a more sinister and potentially damaging aspiration.

Paul Neilson, Dorset Crescent, Newport