BUT, Mr Coghlan, Bassaleg is “in the country”. Come September and you will experience the ‘Authentic Farmyard Smell’ when the muck-spreading takes place. Lucky for you that the working farm in our village leans towards sheep.

I will now, unfortunately, have to go outside the village when I replace my fruit trees, but I suppose people have to live somewhere or the village would surely wither and die. If a horse leaves its calling card outside my house, I have to move quickly lest several of my neighbours beat me to it with shovel and bucket. I think that most children in the village have learned not to roll in the stuff in case they arouse their mother’s ire. Sorry to hear about your friend with the broken jaw, but even experienced countrymen suffer injuries from time to time.

Are you sure your views command a majority among ALL the people in the village? Shouldn’t your letter have said “Some residents?”

Doug Pingel, Duffryn Close, Bassaleg