THE STORY of Tony Harris and his problems (May 17) really makes me proud to be British, (not). Insultingly, a Department for Works and Pensions official even crows about their appeals procedure. Mr Harris shouldn’t have needed to appeal in the first place.

The DWP employee who signed the relevant paperwork must have been fully aware of Mr Harris’s medical conditions, and yet obviously had no conscience about stopping his benefits and making him jump through hoops to regain same.

They whole sorry saga has all the hallmarks of political mischief-making in a shoddy attempt to discredit the Tory-hampered coalition, at which point I have to disagree with the Argus ‘Our Say’ column. It’s almost on a par with left-wingers who gloated over the bombing of the Conser-vative Party conference at Brighton and those who will publicly rejoice when Lady Thatcher is finally laid to rest. Freedom of speech is one thing, but freedom to abuse is something else.

Mr A Greenhalgh, Ross Street, Newport This is good for Britain?