DESPITE the North Korean-style media coverage given to last week’s Royal doings, it was a damp squib in Wales.

Ninety eight percent of the adult population did not attend a street party or other event. Few houses displayed Union flags.

Those that were on display were outside pubs or English-owned shops: businesses trying to cash in on an event greeted with total apathy by most people in Wales.

Why would Welsh people display a Union flag? It is the flag of England. It is a symbol of the conquest and occupation of Wales. It is the symbol of a government in London that is setting about wrecking the economy and public services of Wales.

A government totally rejected by the people of Wales.

The Union flag is being used to try and prop up the rule of the English government in Wales.

The only flag that should fly in Wales is the Red Dragon. The only government that should rule in Wales is the democratically elected Government of Wales.

Our government should decide on taxation and public services.

Keith Parry, Preswylfa Street, Cardiff