IT is no surprise that Bob Bright, Newport council’s leader, has instigated a review of top management at the Civic Centre (June 15).

Although Labour have only been out of power for five years, they feel it necessary to look at the management, though they more than likely set it up in the first place.

Is its purpose to save money or improve performance? Neither, I suspect, but more like an exercise to ensure that those more amenable to their policies are in the right positions.

So which is it to be, Councillor Bright? Here’s a start for you to consider - why do you need any corporate directors at all? You have a well-paid managing director and more than enough heads of services to take any decisions. Added to this you have well-paid members in cabinet posts so surely, I would suggest, there are enough brains to solve the most intricate problems. Deleting three corporate director posts would produce a saving in the region of £500,000 pa which I am sure tax payers would welcome.

Jim Dyer, Stockton Road, Newport