IT WILL come as no surprise to readers that Mr Nutt (June 18) foolishly attempts to blame poverty in Wales on the last Labour government.

He conveniently forgets that Labour increased child benefit; introduced tax credits, increased training opportunities and introduced the future jobs fund. The reality is that governments alone cannot solve poverty; the individual and the private sector also have a part to play.

If Mr Nutt is so concerned with poverty, one must ask why does he not have a problem with the current government’s policies, which are designed to hit the poorest hardest, ensuring that the poor pay the price for the action of profligate bankers? May’s election results clearly demonstrated that despite a change in leadership the people of Wales turn to Labour in difficult times and not Plaid, whose only concern is to split up the UK.

Cllr Nigel Dix, Mountclaire Ave, Blackwood