THE two-legged feral beasts of Newport have struck again.

I noticed whilst perambulating Belle Vue Park with my pooch when the sun last shone that a fire had been set, attempting, but failing to explode an aerosol can beneath a conifer.

Those responsible, but irresponsible, owing to muddled and befuddled minds probably riven with drink, drugs or both might by now have been bothering the burns departments of the NHS.

I have neither time nor sympathy for these troublemakers, any more than I have for those who spread broken glass in the grass, or allow their dogs to defecate without clearing the mess.

It once cost a responsible dog-owner £350 for vet’s bills to treat a badly-cut paw caused by glass in the grass.

Just imagine what damage could have been done to a child falling on broken bottles.

I am prohibited from saying what I’d like to do with our problematical pariahs as it would contravene their human rights.

Gerry S Rose, Dewsland Park Road, Newport