ON SATURDAY, July 14, I ventured out to see what gimmickry had been served up in the name of Newport’s annual “Big Splash” event.

As a man of sophisticated musical tastes, I was none too impressed by the processed nostalgia on display, so did not tarry long.

I am disappointed, however, to report that I was on several occasions approached by men in hi-vis get-up who asked where I was going.

I was reminded of the opening scene of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. The protagonist goes out of an evening for a walk, whereupon a policeman asks what he is doing. “Putting one foot in front of the other,” is his reply.

On at least two of the occasions in question, the inquiries of the hi-vis busybodies were superfluous. On two others, said inquiries would have been rendered superfluous by judicious positioning of signposts.

As it happens, this lack of such foresight on the part of the organisers rendered parts of my walk superfluous.

Did any other readers have a similar experience?

If such occurs in future, may I suggest the reply “putting one foot in front of the other” as an homage to recently departed Mr Bradbury?

Carlton B Morgan, Vincent Road, Newport