I WISH to take issue with your Editorial on the planning
application for the Llanwern incinerator  (SWA, July 26). I
consider it is mistaken in attributing the decision to reject
the application as a fulfilment of a promise made by Labour
councillors in their manifesto for the local elections in May.
While it would be wrong for me to comment on what motivated
each member of the planning committee to vote on the
application, I must inform readers that party-political
considerations do not and should not enter in determination of
planning applications. Only material planning factors
pertaining to proposed land use are relevant.
The officer’s report was excellent in presenting the views of
all interested parties including statutory consultees. Their
assessments of the impact on land, environment, air pollution
and most importantly health were presented clearly and
objectively. Their recommendation seemed fair and objective and
that’s why it received my support.
So I contend that none of my Labour colleagues voted for
party-political or manifesto reasons and that equally I did not
vote against manifesto commitment. I believe Prosiect Gwyrdd is
the proper forum for that consideration.

Councillor Miqdad Al-Nuaimi