PLEASE could you tell me why is it that now the electioneering is all done and dusted for our illustrious Assembly Member of Blaenau Gwent, Alun Davies, has forgotten the people of Blaina again?

He holds surgeries in Abertillery, Brynmawr, Tredegar and Ebbw Vale yet not one has he held in Blaina, does he believe that everything is rosy in the gardens of Blaina? Or is it that he does not care for the people of Blaina and their problems. No doubt, he will present himself in Blaina when Assembly elections come round again. The people of Blaina have not seen our AM for many months (not even for a photocall).

Needless to say, all the good work that has been achieved in Blaina, was done prior to his elected AM role.

I am the secretary of the local Royal British Legion, and I am totally disgusted that our Assembly Member did not even show his attendance at the raising of the flag, Civic Centre, Ebbw Vale, with other dignitaries and services. In my opinion, AM Alun Davies showed a total lack of respect, support and gratitude to our brave servicemen and women, of which some are local heroes, many have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and us.

With this kind of contemptible attitude, the people of Blaina can do without him. Blaina and our servicemen and women heroes will just get on and do what has to be done without our so-called AM.

Blaina and our heroes have nothing to thank Alun Davies AM for. Shame on you, Alun Davies of Blaenau Gwent.

D Mitchell, Edmonds Close, Blaina